Professional strategy
Sustainable policy in cities – positive processes between politicians and civil servants
A city that combines quality of life and environment is the best city to live in. It is our experience that the best sustainable policies are achieved in a close and trusting interaction between politicians, officials and the population. Too often one sees that the politicians are involved in individual cases while the civil servants formulate long-term strategies that do not receive the necessary political consideration and attention.
The ideal is a process involving politicians, officials and citizens, with mutual respect for each other’s roles. Greenovation offers processes for sustainable policies in which:
(1) Politicians are guided to set an ambitious long term political agenda
(2) Civil servants are guided to ensure that the plans and policies are feasible and can be implemented
(3) The people are involved in the processes through working groups, organizations as well as public meetings and debates.
Greenovation cooperates with the Academy for Political Leadership, and can draw on resources from there.
Sustainable policies in companies – positive process between board, management and employees
A company with a professional, sustainable strategy has many strategic advantages: it is better equipped to meet future environmental requirements, it will have a green profile, it will contribute to a better future, and save CO2 and money.
Greenovation offers processes for sustainable policies which:
(1) Guide the Board of Directors to set a long term strategy for the company.
(2) Ensure plans are realistic and can be implemented
(3) Involve employees in the process.
Climate Change Adaptation Plan
The challenges from climate change require innovative solutions. We must look forward and turn the challenges into something positive!
Climate change causes plenty of rain, and we need to avoid flooding and damage to homes and cities. In Copenhagen we turned the situation into something positive and made a climate adaptation plan where new recreational areas can collect the increased rainfall. This way we avoid flooding and offer new recreative areas in the city for the benefit of the residents. Exposed creeks and green parks collect and absorb rainwater durring torrential rain; during periods without rainfall residents can use the areas. Students on field trips, tourists, as well as pedestrians and cyclists who appreciate green space in the city will benefit from this green solution.
Greenovation offers counselling in order to achieve this type of outcomes. We assist processes where politicians and citizen develop and implement a climate change adaptation plan.
An example of such a project is our effort to help Cuba advance their green transition, read more about it here.
Bicycle Policy
Copenhagen is known for being a city for cyclists. The city is teeming with cyclists. The success is so great that there can be bike congestions. Nonetheless the bike is still the fastest way to get around town, and the most environmentally friendly one as well!
The bike is an essential part of the future of transportation, especially in cities. Bikes are not noisy, do not pollute and do not take up much space. Furthermore, cycling is healthy. In Greenovation’s opinion: any city with self-respect should have a very ambitious bicycle policy.

Greenovation offers guidance for the cities’ administration to articulate a modern and future-oriented cycling policy.