Articles in Danish on Waste Management

Life in a carbon-neutral world

Increasing numbers of cities and countries around the globe are pledging to become net carbon neutral within the next few decades. But what will day-to-day life look like in a “net-zero” world? Kate Ravilious looks at the changes that society will need to make

Article in Physics World, 02 Apr 2020

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Cities on a quest for carbon neutrality

It’s not every day a government decides to move its capital city, but that’s exactly what Indonesia is planning to do. Literally sinking as a result of rising sea levels and poor planning decisions, Jakarta is to be replaced as the country’s administrative centre by a new city that will be built 2,000km away on the island of Borneo.

Center for Risk Studies, University of Cambridge

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Master Class: Copenhagen’s road to CO2-neutrality

7. or 11. september 2019 – in connection to the C40-week.

Greenovation offers this unique MasterClass in connection to the C40 in Copenhagen in September. The Master Class will tell the Copenhagen story about being the first CO2 neutral Capital, use of Clean Clusters, and you will learn about the newest advangements in energiproduction including tenders which combine hydrogen and windenergy.

Sign and download the program here

Carbon neutral future think tank

Greenovation has in cooperation with other partners establish a Carbon Neutral  Future Think Tank in Copenhagen and Singapore in aim to discover the best and most efficient sustainable solutions, when it comes to green buildings, waste, water, energy, and transport.

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Masterclass for miljø- og klimamedarbejdere i kommuner: Sådan får du politisk opbakning til dit miljøprojekt

New masterclass in Danish

Hvis du vil have succes med dine Smart City, klima- og miljøprojekter er det afgørende, at projektet får robust politisk forankring. Det er ikke tilstrækkeligt, at projektet er professionelt og visionært, hvis der ikke er politisk opbakning til projektet. Det kræver ofte, at forvaltningen tager initiativet. Men hvad er den bedste formel for at få politisk opbakning?

Greenovation udbyder nu i samarbejde med Alexandra Institutet en masterclass som giver helt konkrete redskaber til forankring af dit projekt:

  • Den 18. juni 2019 i Bloxhub København: LINK
  • Den 20. juni 2019 på Aarhus Universitet: LINK