Bo will be keynote speaker at the 2020 Conference in Perth, Scotland for the most sustainable city in Europe.

Bo will be keynote speaker at the 2020 Conference in Perth, Scotland for the most sustainable city in Europe.
Increasing numbers of cities and countries around the globe are pledging to become net carbon neutral within the next few decades. But what will day-to-day life look like in a “net-zero” world? Kate Ravilious looks at the changes that society will need to make
Article in Physics World, 02 Apr 2020
A former mayor of Copenhagen who was tasked with turning the Danish capital into the world’s first carbon-neutral city by 2025 has backed a vision for Perth to become Europe’s most sustainable small city.
Article in The Courier
It’s not every day a government decides to move its capital city, but that’s exactly what Indonesia is planning to do. Literally sinking as a result of rising sea levels and poor planning decisions, Jakarta is to be replaced as the country’s administrative centre by a new city that will be built 2,000km away on the island of Borneo.
Center for Risk Studies, University of Cambridge
Copenhagen should achieve its goal of being the first carbon neutral capital in five years’ time. How near is it to this ambitious plan and how does it get there?
Q&A in The Riba Journal
Green growth and ‘hedonistic sustainability’ have helped keep the public on board as the Danish capital seeks to reach its goal by 2025 – and so far it’s all going according to plan.
Article in The Guardian, Fri 11 Oct, 2019
7. or 11. september 2019 – in connection to the C40-week.
Greenovation offers this unique MasterClass in connection to the C40 in Copenhagen in September. The Master Class will tell the Copenhagen story about being the first CO2 neutral Capital, use of Clean Clusters, and you will learn about the newest advangements in energiproduction including tenders which combine hydrogen and windenergy.
Sign and download the program here
In 2012, Copenhagen and Beijing signed an agreement to help each other in sustainable development. During this time, many cooperation initiatives have been developed between the two cities. On September 24th, Copenhagen hosted the Sino-Danish Roundtable on Livable Cities, where representatives from both cities exchanged ideas and worked on joint projects.
Li Zhaohong, executive deputy director of the Dongcheng Administrative Committee, presented the Qinglong Hutong Community renovation plan at the meeting. The project will take place a the aforementioned area, in Beijing, and it’s being developed by the Danish company Archiland. In words of his CEO Mads Jensen Moller, the project will be gray, green and blue, which are the colours representing mobility, soft connectivity and water.
You can read more about this new here.
Many cities around the world are taking stridces to bring a solution to the air pollution derived from transport and traffic. The mayors of Copenhagen, London, Paris, Los Angeles, Barcelona, Quito, Vancouver, Mexico City, Milan, Seattle, Auckland and Cape Town have recently signed the C40 Fossil-Fuel-Free Streets Declaration, which aims to ensure that a major area of their cities are zero emission by the year 2030.
A third of greenhouse gas emissions from C40 cities are derived from transport, and traffic is the most significant source of air pollution. This issue impacts both the economy and the public health of the cities, costing 1% of GDP and 4.5 million premature deaths, according to recent studies.
Read the complete article here, and discover more about the C40 network here.
Source: Sustainable Brands